The lees of the day

The night is a tablecloth soaked with stars.
The moon is a dirty dinner plate
smudged and scraped.
The streets are peppered with passing cars
I sit alone, the hour is late.

Adrift on a broken raft of woes I wish that
these lines may be posted out to sea,
and meet soft hands or firm rocks
as the accident wills.

Sometimes I wish I was a spiritual man.
I wish that I could bottle sunlight.
but If I could have you back
without my mistakes.

You stand alone as an evening star
brightening the great painted vacuum.
I never wrote much for you
or knew how much I cared.

A spider sits upon my shoulder -
its silken thread brushing my neck. 
It whispers of the mortgage, the end of student days.
of never knowing what could have been
had I been braver.  Of passing time,
of friends drifting away.

A few lines in my notepad read:
Blue bells ring the start of spring
great swathes of regret
with time the loss of everything
of everyone
we ever met.


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