An Overabundance of Yin
I have littered notebooks
with love letters
to that persistant rock
that orbits this earth
never really crediting
where her soft light
comes from, or feeling
any real worth in
the passing solar joy
of days and summers.
Her light is calm and
unassuming, which
seems to call for song,
but that spherical furnace
serves only to drag us
into activity. Yet it
is nice
to work and walk and play.
is happiness undeserving
of poetry? Must the
be introspective and not
equated with basking
on a beach or mirthful
chatter outside
coffee shops?
Why yearn for sleep?
but work instead
for the heart to play
hopscotch on hot pavements.
to dance in grassy fields
and watch the river shimmer.
To get lost in a conversation,
carried away like a yellow kite
on the wind. Tonight,
the moon hibernates
behind thick clouds
let us remember the friend
we hope will meet us tomorrow
and as we sit in the glow
of fire or computer screen
raise a mug or glass
to joy and abandon
whenever it next
may grace us.
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